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Lexus NX 4.6 warns us about distracted driving

Lexus has adapted the NX SUV into a public service announcement for distracted driving, calling it the 4.6. With it, the brand made a video titled “Driving Disrupted” where it shows off a unique feature with a very important message.

We are willing to bet that most drivers, if not all, have gotten distracted at some point by the ongoing inside the vehicle. Whether it be a cell phone, radio or interacting with the infotainment system. Lexus has said that the average time of these distractions is 4.6 seconds. Hence the name of this car.

How does the Lexus NX 4.6 work?

The changes made to the Lexis NX 4.6 are all to the window screens. They were given the ability to suddenly go black and block the vision the driver has of the road. This time was exactly 4.6 seconds.

Lexus then found willing drivers to go on a test drive obstacle course where, without warning, the window screens would blank out. The results are exactly what you would expect them to be. Styrofoam cones, walls, people and animals were all hit.

While this wasn’t a PSA for South Africa, the results are certainly amusing to watch and carry a universally helpful message. Enjoy the video “Driving Disrupted” below and stay safe and focused on the roads.

Source: Lexus

Stuart Smith

A copy and content writer at Web2Web with a passion for sharing engaging content. He loves his old Toyota Corolla and talking about new cars, particularly about the technology that changes the way they are designed.

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