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Fuel price forecast to drop in September 2020

We have recently gotten some good news from the Automobile Association (AA), saying that the fuel price may drop in September 2020. This includes petrol, diesel and illuminating paraffin. This change in fuel price is based on the mid-month data that AA has collected, hopefully, it stays this way for motorists come September 2020.

“Oil prices have slipped a little, with the landed price of fuels in South Africa showing a slight reduction in the first half of August. Over the past six weeks, oil has traded in a fairly narrow band, indicating that a more reliable plateau has been reached, absent any unexpected shocks.” – AA

The AA has predicted a  drop in petrol by nine cents, diesel by seven cents and illuminating paraffin by twelve cents. Our Rand has, unfortunately, lost some ground against the US dollar, notes the AA. Not a very good sign for fuel prices to come.

“This spells trouble for South African fuel users if it continues, but for now, the oil price is the stronger of the two forces. If this picture retains stability in the second half of the month, we expect only modest changes to the fuel price.” – AA

For more information about the current fuel price, read our article on the changes for August 2020. Alternatively, if you are looking to escape the news about fuel price, take a look at the new Mini Cooper SE, South Africa’s most affordable fully electric car.

Source: AA
Photo by Gabriel Côté on Unsplash

Stuart Smith

A copy and content writer at Web2Web with a passion for sharing engaging content. He loves his old Toyota Corolla and talking about new cars, particularly about the technology that changes the way they are designed.

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