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Car sales and repairs in Level 4 lockdown

It’s very possible that a service may be overdue or because your car is in level 4 lockdown too, it needs to go in for repairs. If buying or selling was on your to-do list before the lockdown, it is also now a possibility to put it back on your list. Government has published new regulations, as of the 12th of May, where buying, selling and repairing may resume with restrictions in level 4 lockdown. car repairs during level 4 lockdown

Repairs during level 4 lockdown.

If your vehicle is in need of emergency repair work, meaning it is not functional or no longer road worthy, you can now send it in for repairs. If the vehicle is overdue for a service, you can now get that done too. Before you do either, you now must make an appointment remotely before arriving at a workshop. The workshop must also be within the same municipal area that you are in. 

The types of services that your vehicle may not be sent in for include; cosmetic repairs, non-overdue services and cosmetic warranty campaigns unless it is expiring within 30 days. 

You can expect most vehicle repair and service shops to be open with strict trading restrictions for hygiene and safety. If you want to do your best to avoid repairs during the lockdown and you still won’t be driving very often, take some action to maintain your car at home. 

Sales for new and used vehicles may resume.

With the same regulations, car dealers and original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) can now trade new and used cars. Importing and exporting of vehicles has also started again. If you were in the market to either buy or sell, you are now able to do so with restrictions. 

The majority of vehicle sales need to be done remotely, so call your dealer you try visiting. Once a purchase has been made, home delivery of a fully sanitized vehicle is mandatory. We can expect these restrictions to change slightly on the 26th of May. Dealerships and other used vehicle shops may increase their staff and a limited number of customers may visit still following the lockdown laws. 

We trust that you all remain safe while more restrictions are getting lifted and changed. 

Source: AA | The South African
Photo by Obi Onyeador on Unsplash

Stuart Smith

A copy and content writer at Web2Web with a passion for sharing engaging content. He loves his old Toyota Corolla and talking about new cars, particularly about the technology that changes the way they are designed.

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