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Top Three Selling Cars in the World

toyota logoSo what exactly differentiates one car from another and what puts a vehicle way up the list making it a top seller? The answer is simple, really. A long production run and success across the globe will put a car right at the top of any list. Yet cars for sale today are so advanced that it is difficult to put one above the other, although over the past couple of decades there has been a distinct differentiator.

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The Classic 2013 George Old Car Show

The Classic 2013 George Old Car Show

This year around 930 exhibits were laid out for spectators to admire at the Classic 2013 George Old Car Show and the oldest vehicle on view – a tiller-steered 1903 curved-dash Oldsmobile with an incredibly simple design, drew much attention.

Rovers, Borgwards, Fords and more had the crowds gasping in admiration who flocked to the show despite a threat of rain and poor weather.  A glorious 1912 Rover 12 Colonial also took part in all the events leading up to the show and British cars featured prominently amongst the more interesting exhibits.

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