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FIAT triumphs at the ADCI Awards 2023

FIAT was awarded 6 prizes at the 2023 edition of the ADCI Awards, the most prestigious award of the Italian creative community, promoted by the Art Directors Club. The brand, alongside Leo Burnett agency, excelled in multiple categories with two distinct projects.

The ‘No Grey‘ project, developed by creative agency Leo Burnett and produced by Twister Film, won gold in the “Corporate PR Communication” category, silver in the “Film” category and bronze in the “Social/Digital PR” category. The video, which was launched in June, highlights FIAT’s strategic decision to stop the production of grey cars. Olivier Francois, FIAT CEO and Global Stellantis CMO, explains the strategy and becomes the clip’s protagonist, in which the 600e takes a deep dive into colour, under the claim ‘ITALY. THE LAND OF COLOURS. FIAT. THE BRAND OF COLOURS’. A fresh and colourful project that embodies the joyful and pop spirit that characterizes the FIAT brand and has reached more than 10 million views on YouTube.

Further success was enjoyed by the docufilm “Pandelleria“, also created by the Leo Burnett agency and produced by the Twister Film production company. Shot in Pantelleria, where “Panda is more than people,” the 30-minute film won gold in the “Creative Effectiveness Media” category, silver in “Brand Entertainment” and bronze in the “Film” category.
The docufilm is not only a tribute to the Panda, a FIAT icon for more than 40 years, but also an homage to the employees of the Pomigliano d’Arco plant who built the Panda and therefore have significantly contributed to the Panda’s success around the world.

Since 1985, the ADCI Awards have been a point of reference for creativity and quality in advertising communication in Italy. Over time, they have documented the evolution of languages, styles, and media use, selecting only those works that are most relevant from a creative standpoint. Today the Art Directors Club Italiano is an expanded association devoted to the recognition and support of the value of creativity as a founding element and competitive advantage of corporate, institutional, and social communication.

FIAT triumphs at the ADCI Awards 2023

Article by: Fiat

Stuart Smith

A copy and content writer at Web2Web with a passion for sharing engaging content. He loves his old Toyota Corolla and talking about new cars, particularly about the technology that changes the way they are designed.

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