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Ford reveals its electric van: E Transit Custom

Volkswagen has been making waves with its upcoming electric van but now Ford has announced their own, the E Transit Custom. Plans are for production to start in the second half of 2023. So there will still be some time before we know where it will be sold, but it might make its way to South Africa.

“This is a watershed moment for commercial vehicle operators in Europe, and another hugely significant realisation of our Ford Pro ambitions. Europe’s best-selling van just went all-electric and – supported by our unique Ford Pro one-stop-shop of productivity-boosting services – the operating benefits this will bring to business across Europe cannot be overstated.” – Hans Schep, general manager, Ford Pro, Europe

E Transit Custom

What we know.

Since the E Transit Custom is still far away from production, Ford has not released a lot of details about the mode. Likely because many details can still change or are not even there yet.  What we do know is that the EV has a target range of 380 km, not so bad since Ford wants to make it fully capable of towing up to 2000 kg as well.

Another feature that makes sense with this type of vehicle that Ford plans to include is exportable power. Basically allowing you to power other devices from the car’s battery.

E Transit Custom

The Ford Transit Custom, the non-electric van, is available in South Africa. This gets our hopes up for a possible introduction to South Africa. However, our country doesn’t have the infrastructure for it. It will still be just more than a year before the E Transit Custom becomes available, so time will tell.

Source: Cars | Ford | Inside EVs | Motor1

Stuart Smith

A copy and content writer at Web2Web with a passion for sharing engaging content. He loves his old Toyota Corolla and talking about new cars, particularly about the technology that changes the way they are designed.

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