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Acura makes an anime series for new Integra Type S Performance

Acura is bringing back the Type S badge and to market it, they have made an anime miniseries. The company may be American, but it has Japanese roots. Making this alternate form of marketing fit right in place.

Type S is Acura’s high-performance division and of course, it features everywhere in this series which you can watch right now on their YouTube channel. You can also watch it all from here, but the channel has extra scenes. If you are into this kind of thing, we recommend you give it a watch.

The Acura anime is actually good.

Acura didn’t skimp out on making this miniseries. Type S: Chaiki’s Journey was made in collaboration with 85 creators over a six-month period. The result pays homage to classic Japanese anime which has a long history of featuring cars.

The story is about Chiaki, a young driver, and her uncle Noboru. It starts off with Chiaki in a heated race with her nemesis, Erich, when Noboru steps in to mentor her. Chiaki then prepares for the biggest race of her life that would put her family name on the line.

We get to see loads of Acura models like the NSX, TLX and MDX Type S as well as several older models in the backstory series. The biggest part for Acura though is showing off the upcoming 2023 Integra.

Acura hopes to bring in a new generation to the brand and honestly, something like this just might work.

Acura makes an anime series for new Integra Type S Performance

Type S: Chaiki’s Journey


Source: Acura | Kotaku

Stuart Smith

A copy and content writer at Web2Web with a passion for sharing engaging content. He loves his old Toyota Corolla and talking about new cars, particularly about the technology that changes the way they are designed.

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