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Polo drivers rank as the unsafest in SA

The Road Traffic Management Corporation (RTMC) has released a study of our roads and found that Polo drivers rank unsafest in SA. This was the South African Fatal Crashes in Context, which shows rather staggeringly scary numbers for fatal crashes and speed infringements.

It’s important to note that it is unfair to compare the Polo and the other cars mentioned in this article since they are some of the most popular cars in South Africa. The Polo itself accounts for more than 1500 new units sold per month. This is by far more than its rivals and does leave us with a simple solution – the more of these models there are out there, the more likely they are to find themselves in crashes.

before we get into the rest of the article, please note that the following does contain horrifying numbers for fatalities. If this could upset you, we recommend you pick another one of our articles to read. If you do choose to read on, we hope you can take this information as a warning to just how dangerous cars are and being on the road really is.

It’s unfair to blame the polo drivers, but here is the data.

The information RTMC took was from October 1 2017 to June 30 2021.

“A total of 48 330 vehicles were involved in 37 583 fatal crashes with 45 232 deaths during the period according to data on the Road Traffic Management Corporation’s national crash data management system.”

The RTMC also found the top models involved in these crashes. To no surprise, the most popular models on our roads were at the top. This was the Toyota Hilux, Quantum and the Volkswagen Polo. As a whole, they were part of 43.2% of the crashes with the Polo being part of 16.7% alone.

As for speeding infractions, Polo drivers were responsible for 35% of the fines delivered.

As we mentioned before, the roads are dangerous. We trust you drive safely out there.


Source: CARmag | RTMC
Photo by Akthar Navas on Unsplash

Stuart Smith

A copy and content writer at Web2Web with a passion for sharing engaging content. He loves his old Toyota Corolla and talking about new cars, particularly about the technology that changes the way they are designed.

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