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The Auto Green Paper for EV production in South Africa

Toward the end of last month, the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition released an Auto Green Paper on the Advancement of New Energy Vehicles in South Africa. This could be the first few steps for electric vehicles to enter production within South Africa.

With the current trend and laws growing EV sales in a period that saw vehicle sales take an all-time low, South Africa had previously shown no signs of adaptation. In fact, we have had to repeatedly discuss how many new cars would likely never make their way to our local shores. This could change in the coming years, depending on the outcome of the Auto Green Paper.

The Auto Green Paper on the Advancement of New Energy Vehicles in South Africa.

The Green Paper is not an official government policy. Instead, it is a government policy discussion paper. This will then be followed by a White Paper that will articulate a policy position of the government that has been approved by Cabinet.

This Green Paper functions as an invitation for comments stakeholders which by now, has already taken place. Now we await the policy proposals which will be submitted to Cabinet for consideration by October 2021.

Source: Department of Trade, Industry and Competition
Photo by Charlotte Stowe on Unsplash

Stuart Smith

A copy and content writer at Web2Web with a passion for sharing engaging content. He loves his old Toyota Corolla and talking about new cars, particularly about the technology that changes the way they are designed.

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