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Zero – The electric motorcycle turns 15

Zero is an electric motorcycle company that has officially been around for fifteen years. As a company, that makes some of the most advanced electric motorcycles around. Fifteen is a big number for this American brand, and to celebrate, they have partnered with National Forest Foundation to create five new colour variations.

Zero Motorcycles

Who exactly is Zero?

Zero was originally named Electricross back in 2006. Yes, they were quite ahead of the electric curve, which likely plays to their current success in the electric motorcycle market. Back then, they made a model called Drift that had 14 kW and 67 Nm of torque. Not so impressive considering the very limited range it had back then.


Since then, the company has changed its name and grown to offer around nine different models. The DSR being one of their more popular ones and is the model used for their birthday variants.

Zero Motorcycles

A 15th Anniversary and Earth Day.

Zero’s birthday happens to fall around international Earth Day, which is why they have partnered with National Forest Foundation to celebrate. Creating five nature-inspired colours, these models can now come in green, orange, tan, white, and black, you can guess the themes for these colours.

Zero Motorcycles

Additionally, each one of these limited-edition motorcycles purchased will donate $500 (around R7141,66 at the current exchange rate) to the National Forest Foundation.

The DSR model that these colours will be given to is powered by Zero’s own motor, the Z-Force 75-7. It packs an impressive 52 kW and 157 Nm and can reach a top speed of 164 km/h. The estimated range per charge is not bad for a motorcycle, coming in at 262 km.

There is still a large price tag of $15 495, which is about R221 338 at the current exchange rate.

Source: Jalopnik | Zero Morotcycles

Stuart Smith

A copy and content writer at Web2Web with a passion for sharing engaging content. He loves his old Toyota Corolla and talking about new cars, particularly about the technology that changes the way they are designed.

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