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Lotus plans new sports cars

We have mixed feelings with the recent announcement made by Lotus about their new range of sports cars. We are incredibly excited to see the sports cars Lotus has planned, especially since one of them will be produced in 2021. On the other hand, Lotus will also be discontinuing its current range of sports cars.

We can start to say our farewell to the Elise, Exige and Evora as they are moved out of production for the next generation. They won’t go out silently as the brand intents to celebrate what those three cars have brought them over the years. Here is what Phil Popham, CEO of Lotus Cars had to say:

“As our Vision80 strategy illustrates, Lotus is all about looking forward, and our future is full of continuous innovation. In 2021, however, we will be reflecting on the legacy of our current range, starting with the Elise, a sports car that genuinely revolutionised the automotive industry, not only because it is a legend-in-its-own-lifetime but also for its impact on car design and technology.”

What is next for Lotus sports cars?

Lotus has revealed a teaser image for the next generation of sports cars hidden by shadow. In the background are three cars covered by a cloth to only reveal vague shapes and the light signature.

The first car that will be made available is under the code name ‘Lotus Type 131’. Hopefully, we will get to see its reveal in late 2021 or early 2022.

“This year will be hugely significant for Lotus with new facilities coming on stream, a new sports car entering production and new levels of efficiency and quality that only a new car design and factory can deliver. Despite the continuing global challenges, Lotus has emerged from 2020 strong and on track in the delivery of our Vision80 business plan.” – Phil Popham, CEO, Lotus Cars

What do you think about the newcomers, are you excited about them or sad to see the Elise and Exige go like us? Those two are some of our favourite cars after all.

Lotus sports cars

Source: Lotus

Stuart Smith

A copy and content writer at Web2Web with a passion for sharing engaging content. He loves his old Toyota Corolla and talking about new cars, particularly about the technology that changes the way they are designed.

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