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GM to only make electric vehicles by 2035

GM has said that it plans to completely phase out traditional engines and replace them with electric vehicles by 2035. This falls part of the company’s plan to become carbon neutral by 2040. This did throw us for a loop, just as much as it did Erik Shilling from Jalopnik who said, “This has all been pretty head-spinning, as GM was very much friends with the Trump administration and its (attempted) slackened emissions rules until GM very much was not.”

A large part of this change could be to changing laws in America as well as the strong support that GM EVs have gotten so far. Here is what GM has said:

“General Motors is joining governments and companies around the globe working to establish a safer, greener and better world. We encourage others to follow suit and make a significant impact on our industry and on the economy as a whole.” – Mary Barra, GM Chairman and CEO

GM to only make electric vehicles.

GM already plans to build 30 new electric vehicles by 2025, a plan that helps the new announcement to completely stop making petrol and diesel-powered vehicles by 2035. This will mean that many traditional favourites of the brand will make the change or even transition over to a new moniker entirely. We have somewhat seen this start with the EV Hummer.

“With this extraordinary step forward, GM is making it crystal clear that taking action to eliminate pollution from all new light-duty vehicles by 2035 is an essential element of any automaker’s business plan. EDF and GM have had some important differences in the past, but this is a new day in America — one where serious collaboration to achieve transportation electrification, science-based climate progress and equitably shared economic opportunity can move our nation forward.” – Fred Krupp, Environmental Defense Fund President

Source: GM | Jalopnik

Stuart Smith

A copy and content writer at Web2Web with a passion for sharing engaging content. He loves his old Toyota Corolla and talking about new cars, particularly about the technology that changes the way they are designed.

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