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Cape Town may permanently impound cars

Cape Town

Photo by Zoë Reeve on Unsplash

Photo by Zoë Reeve on Unsplash

The City of Cape Town has shown intentions to increase the punishment for repeat offenders of the road laws. The hopes are to put a stop to lawless driving by creating a more severe punishment. 

Statistics in the Cape Town area show that impound numbers are high. Last month, January 2020, a reported total of 593 cars were impounded. According to City’s Mayco Member for Safety and Security, JP Smith, these vehicles are reclaimed on the same day they were impounded.

“So, the next best thing is to tighten legislation that will allow for the permanent impoundment of vehicles belonging to habitual offenders,” says JP Smith. 

This law has been shown interest despite the new Aarto Act which addresses similar issues. It will bring the demerit system in June 2020, allowing the suspension and removal of licenses to repeat road law offenders.

To find out more about the Aarto Act, read ‘South Africa’s traffic demerit system’.

There have been other efforts to reduce continuous law-breaking on the road as well. In June 2020, another law that will be put into effect is the 0% alcohol tolerance.

With road laws getting tighter, it is important to stay ahead of them and drive safely.

Source: Business Tech | Cape{Town}Etc
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