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Top Three Selling Cars in the World

So what exactly differentiates one car from another and what puts a vehicle way up the list making it a top seller? The answer is simple, really. A long production run and success across the globe will put a car right at the top of any list. Yet cars for sale today are so advanced that it is difficult to put one above the other, although over the past couple of decades there has been a distinct differentiator.

Cars, as with beauty, is in the eye of the beholder – what thrills one car owner might not send shivers down the spine of another? Cars are a very personal thing; whether a vehicle is in the top three or not, if you love a certain make and will not drive another, then it is suffice to say that the particular vehicle is and always will be the number “one” to you.

Here are three cars that have been rated as the top three since Ford made its debut, whilst selling its millionth Model T on the 10th of December 1915:

Although success in the motor industry is normally measured by sales, this has slowly started to change due to a number of different factors, one of them being the recent credit crisis that rocket the world.

Cars for sale in today’s world are all about technology, advancement and more often than not, price. It is not uncommon, therefore to find a state-of-the-art vehicle that is well-priced offering what many are looking for and that is bang for your buck.

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